Heartache Can Change Your Life for the Better
Heartache can change our life for the better. Among other things, it jars us out of complacency. Next time you experience heartache, welcome it.

Spend Your Money on This to Change Your Life
Remember money is just an exchange of energy. It's either your time and effort or you're using someone else's time and effort. Included in this post are questions to ponder this month regarding your spending habits and how you can take action today.

Earthing: 3 Health Benefits From Grounding with Our Earth
By grounding, or making physical direct body contact with the Earth’s surface, we can reduce inflammation, improve our sleep and decrease stress.

Spring Growth: Mindsets
As we emerge from our deep winter hibernation, we move toward a spring thaw of love and growth. It's the perfect time of the year to transform our fixed mindsets into growth mindsets.

The Art of Unpacking
I spent most of my February in a dark place. It was depressing, scary, and cold. Yes, I spent most of February in a basement storage area tackling my big decluttering project. And it only took me thirty-six years to start on it.

Aims: Creating a Vision for 2019!
An AIM is an intention that stems from a curious investigation into your life. It requires turning your attention inward not outward, when you are trying to achieve something. What are your AIMS for 2019? In other words, what do you wish to see happen in

Self-Care: Let’s Practice
Are you struggling to sleep at night or stressing about your work/life balance? If you don’t practice self-care, it can have consequences. Check out this month's blog, which includes an exercise to help you practice self-care.

Choose You | Pt 2
Last month, we covered the first action steps to help you Choose YOU! Now that you've started incorporating the first action steps, we are introducing the next four that address interdependence.

Choose You | Pt 1
Here are the first action steps to help you Choose YOU! Don't allow your life to get away from you. Choosing YOU allows you to step away from the same habitual patterns you've had your whole life, because it is never too late to Choose YOU!

You Are Not Your Story
What do you want to create with the precious time you have left in life? Our intention and commitment are based on having a fixed mindset or a growth mindset. If you think you have a fixed mindset, then it is time to stop meandering through your life with

Attachment Theory — It Might Be Why You Need an Attuned Coach
Why would anyone need an awakening coach or therapist? Would connecting with one mean something is wrong with you, and you need to be “fixed”? One reason why you might seek out an attuned coach or therapist is based on John Bowlby’s Attachment Theory.

Take the First Step — Awaken to Your Freedom
Do you ever feel that someone else is running your life and it isn't the life you actually want? We all have an inner judge, and sometimes it’s difficult to move past that inner hurdle. Read how I confronted it with a client, “Julie.”

Confronting Fear
I confronted my deep fear of public speaking rather unexpectedly. After I walked under the spotlight and grasped the microphone, I looked at the eyes of over 400 attendees staring back at me.