Spend Your Money on This to Change Your Life


While budgeting and planning for 2020, one of the questions I asked myself is if the money 💵 I am spending is contributing to the life I want to be living? Do I spend money in the areas of my life I value, or are my habitual ways of spending money pulling me further away from my ideal life❓

​Remember money 💵 is just an exchange 🔁 of energy. It’s either your time and effort or you’re using someone else’s time and effort❗️

Questions to Ponder This Month:

  1. Where do you want your energy to go❓

  2. What values do you want to be living and how do you incorporate them into your day-to-day life❓

  3. Do you take into account how much energy you are contributing to your OWN wants, needs, and yearnings❓

  4. Is there a balance between your wants, needs, and yearnings❓

  5. Do you take into account how much energy OTHERS might be contributing to you wants, needs, and yearnings❓Have you thanked them recently❓

  6. How much are YOU contributing to others wants, needs, and yearnings❓Are you putting yourself last❓

  7. Check in ✔️and see 👁 CLEARLY!

Take Action:

  1. Vision what you want 2020 to look or feel like.

  2. Look back at your spending habits in 2019.

  3. Design a budget that includes not only your needs or the needs of others, but something you want or yearn for. In other words, set a budget based on your values.

  4. Take ACTION steps in creating it. Schedule your values into your life!

Don’t let your year of 2020 go by without putting intention into what you want your life to look like.


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