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Awakening to presence 4 day intensive workshop
Awakening to Presence 4 day intensive workshop.

Awakening to Presence Intensive Workshop
Would you like to end the relentless rollercoaster ride of psychological stress and suffering that swings you between pleasure and pain, desires and aversions, and replace this with a full and stable experience of peace and satisfaction with your existence?
Would you like to experience a stable sense of self-esteem that is relatively free of the need for outward achievement, success, or social approval and attention? A real and healthy feeling of preciousness that is intrinsic, and not adversely influenced by the opinions and judgments of others, nor by your own self judgment?
Would you like to be capable of genuinely and effectively connecting with others without the habitual knee jerk defensive reactions and filters stemming from your past history and conditioning?
These are just a few of the practical benefits one can experience when the felt sense of one's identity wakes up from the confusion and mistaken identification with our "story"; the bundle of thoughts and memories we construct our "mind" and "body" based self-images out of.
What would your experience of life be like if you discovered that who you REALLY are is something beyond the familiar personality associated with your bodymind? What might existence feel like if the familiar unhappy narrative of that "voice in your head" could be ended?
This natural, body-oriented style of learning is presented with an attitude of open- hearted compassion, kindness, and ongoing curiosity of the unknown—informed by an ever- evolving understanding of neuroscience. Michael Fleming has 28 years of full-time experience with private coaching and with leading workshops, seminars, and training programs in both the U.S. and Japan.

THE JUDGE: How to get free of the adverse effects of inner and outer judgment.
Most adults who are earnest and sincere often have a reasonably clear idea of what they wish to create in their lives. Why, then, do such people regularly experience struggle and difficulty in creating what they would like to create?
They may know what they "wish" to accomplish or achieve on the level of personal and professional success in the world. They may know the quality dynamics they "wish" to create in their social relationships and romantic partnerships. They may have a clear vision of the different ways they would like to express themselves creatively. And they may have a straightforward desire to increase their physical health and vitality with self-care practices such as exercise, nutrition, stress-reducing meditations and health-care treatments, and more. In all areas of their lives, they may know their longings well and have clear goals and visions--yet struggle to make it a reality.
In the face of their difficulties manifesting these desires, they may hear a principle such as "you need a backbone, not a wishbone", and inspired by the motivational speaker or slogan, they do their best to apply sheer willpower and "just do it", trying to push themselves in the direction they wish to go.
And yet, repeatedly, many people run out of willpower and fall short of being able to create the life they wish to create. Forcing doesn't seem to work. The hidden factor turns out to be the toxic effects of judgment, that "voice-in-the-head" that can undermine our beautiful hopes with criticism and shaming.
At this four-day public intensive, located at a nurturing retreat center near the Appalachian Trail, the teacher, Michael Fleming, and his assistant teaching team will help you learn easy-to-understand principles and practical skills about how to effectively get free of the harmful and self-limiting adverse effects of your "JUDGE". These skills will empower you to better deal with your own inner judge; as well as have cleaner and more effective ways of dealing with the judgments of others which are thrown your way.
This natural, body-oriented style of learning is presented with an attitude of open-hearted compassion, kindness, and ongoing curiosity of the unknown—informed by an ever-evolving understanding of neuroscience. Michael Fleming has 26 years of full-time experience with private coaching and with leading workshops, seminars, and training programs in both the U.S. and Japan.
PLEASE NOTE: This retreat involves touching and being in close proximity to each other during class and at mealtimes. Therefore, due to the ongoing safety concerns around COVID, this workshop will be open only for people who have been fully vaccinated.

Awakening to Presence - 5 Day Public Intensive
The past two years have been difficult and challenging. This has created a society-wide condition of traumatic stress, PTSD. At this five-day public intensive, located at a retreat near the Appalachian Trail, Michael Fleming and his team will help you learn to relax and refresh your nervous system.