Earthing: 3 Health Benefits From Grounding with Our Earth
By grounding, or making physical direct body contact with the Earth’s surface, we can reduce inflammation, improve our sleep and decrease stress.

Sunflowers and Love
How does one keep the weeds from overtaking a field of sunflowers? By focusing on feeding and giving the sunflowers all they need to grow and thrive.

Floating on a Raft — Day 2
Back out on my raft today. The water is so calm today; the only ripples are from my hands paddling under the raft. I stop and just lie and float for a while. I begin to tune into being one with the water.

Damselflies and True Nature — Day 1
I tie one end of a long towrope to my wrist and one end to the boat beached on the shore (no place to tie to the raft) and push off.

Being in the Garden
Really loving just BEING in the garden. The colors, textures, smells, sounds, and aliveness are truly soothing.

Finding Silence
Enjoying the amazing Northern Michigan summer! Such silence and peace on a lake at twilight.